I came across this article yesterday and my heart was warmed as I read. As I listened to the song, I found my feet tapping, my head nodding and my spirit lifting. I felt renewed - in the words of the song, definitely, but also in the realization that a mega-superstar was unashamedly putting it all out there - her FAITH!
Go Carrie Underwood!!!!
I say we need more of our superstar, high profile people, like Carrie Underwood, to vocally stand up for what they believe in, against the mega bullies who are trying to tear anything having to do with our Christianity and God down.
And I'd also say it's time for us wishy washy, only-on-Sunday-Christians to wash up, armor up, Truth up, and speak up! It's time to show in words and deeds (respectfully and without tromping others' rights and feelings) that True, real Christianity is not a dreaded disease to fear, but a good, honorable way of life, worthy of respect.
And worthy of protecting.
Who is with me?????
Every day, it seems that the cultural norm in this country is to attack Christianity. From bakers being forced to choose between adhering to their faith or shutting...