Have you ever had one of those yukky days when everything goes
wrong, no matter how hard you try, the whole day just flies out from underneath
you, takes off on its own, and seems bent on messing up everything you do, stirring
up more problems, more issues, and more work?
And then you feel discouraged, dumb, inferior, incapable,
useless, withered, exhausted, done in, etc. Uuuuuuuugggghh!!!!!!
You go home, get into your comfy flannel jammies, feeling down
and dejected, and your tummy grumbles – “need food!” But nothing sounds good –
nothing that’s good for you anyway. You need a treat, something yummy, something that’s
not good for you, something bad – oh yeah, something that will make you feel
good! Aaaah yes, comfort food!
And then you remember – left over
from last night – oh yeeesssssss!!!!!
Rich, dreamy, smooth, moist,
luscious, soothing, soul reviving chocolate cake!!
Now, for those of you who don’t like
chocolate – I will pray for you – because you are missing out on one of life’s
most miraculous healing tools!!
But for those of you
who know what I’m talking about – there’s just nothing like a big slice of
rich, deep, yummy, super moist, super chocolaty, chocolate cake, topped with thick, rich, dark
chocolaty, creamy icing!
Oooooooohhhhh Lord – it just soothes my soul and all that ails it!!!! Makes me feel delectably worthy and able
Thank God for chocolate cake!
(And might I add here that I make a baaaaaaaaaaddddd
chocolate cake!!)
Well, what about when
that delectable chocolate cake isn’t available?
Or Heaven forbid – you don’t like delectable chocolate cake? (Unfathomable to me, but,
hey, whatever floats your boat J)
I realized something a
few days ago that put me on this thought path; having my daily personal
quiet/devotional/meditation time, for me, provides that same delectably worthy
and able feeling, deep down in my soul – that same delectable feeling that chocolate
cake gives me after I
have liberally imbibed. It simply soothes my soul and all that ails it.
But, for me, just like that amazing chocolate
cake, the right
ingredients have to go into the mix, or I’m left wanting, feeling that
something is missing. Without the main
ingredient – rich, decadent chocolate - it’s just not chocolate
cake, right?
In my quiet time, my
main ingredient is God. Like chocolate, God just simply soothes my soul. He
and His awesome words of truth and love lift my spirits. They assure me that I am not alone, that I am
loved, just as I am, faults and all.
They tell me that, yes, I will have bad days along with the good, that
there are times I will fail, times I will do the wrong thing. They acknowledge I’m not perfect, but that it’s
And then they tell me
I am beautiful, that I am beloved, and that I matter, that I am worth it, and
that I am precious!! No matter
what!!! And when I talk to God while
reading these Words, I get that incredible, delectable, rich chocolate
cake feeling, deep down in
my soul. And then everything is better
once again.
So, I invite you – try
some daily personal quiet/devotional/meditation time. Reflect upon the good, positive things in
your life. Everyone has some, every day of their life – you just have to look
for them. If you don’t already have an
open, daily dialogue with God, I recommend you try it. Today! Just start talking to Him like He was sitting
there right next to you. Tell Him about
your day; ask Him to give you peace. Devour
a piece of His rich, dreamy, chocolate cake – Scripture - as often as you
can. Guaranteed not to put pounds on
you, instead, it takes tons of worry and sorrow OFF! Try some today and
experience that soul-satisfying, spirit lifting, yummy, delectable, good feeling!
Yes, thank God for Chocolate Cake!
His kind is the best <3