Happy Sunday to you!!
Are you happy this morning? Or are you, like me, maybe feeling a little hurting in your heart - from hurt feelings, or maybe sadness from a loss?A few days ago someone I love slung some very hurtful words at me and in hurt and anger I slung a few ugly and not nice words right back. Words that I thought would never come out of my mouth. Today I feel great remorse (even though I am still reeling in hurt).
However, I read a few Words this morning that sounded so good and reminded me where I always can find healing for my hurt. These words were:
How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Ps 119:103
And I am reminded again of how magically reviving and hurt-healing the Words of this Book can be to me when I remember to seek them out and let them into, and wash over my heart. I love to also dwell in Psalm 139 to know that I am not, I am NEVER alone.And there is good with me, wherever I am - always. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+139&version=NASB
Today, I choose to dwell in His Words, instead of those other hurtful words.